The worries about email deliverability are shared among e-marketers of different experience levels. Yes, even the best and most experienced email marketers battle with getting their emails into subscribers’ inboxes. This issue is worrisome because having bad deliverability ratios negatively affects your business marketing campaign. It reduces response rate, opening rate, and client potential and gets your emails flagged as junk by service providers. Emails tagged as junk never make it to the prospect’s inboxes. So many factors can affect a business email deliverability, and as a manager or entrepreneur, knowing and understanding how to overcome these factors is crucial for success.

Top 5 Factors That Affect Email Deliverability

Here are key factors that are affecting email deliverability:

Marketing Email Software

Using the best email software, like, can greatly improve the deliverability of your business emails. This software helps businesses avoid getting their emails flagged as spam by email service providers. It helps businesses in optimizing their emailing list, email content, and outreach programs.

IP Address Reputation

An IP address is an important component that influences the deliverability rate of any organization’s marketing campaign. It’s a component that marketers, especially new marketers, fail to account for when analyzing their email deliverability. An IP address is a unique number allocated to every system or device that uses the internet. IP address reputation, on the other hand, can be expressed as the manner in which a system or device behaves responsibly on the internet regarding sending messages. In email marketing, businesses can engage shared or independent IP addresses. Both of them are great but they do have their pros and cons. Just make sure you follow the best practices set by Internet service providers if you want to maintain a good IP reputation.

Sender’s Reputation

The sender’s reputation in email marketing is based on the prospect’s email engagement. It’s a type of reputation that is directly linked to email marketers and their email accounts. When managers send bulk emails to prospects, their interactions with those emails influence the sender’s reputation. If the email’s opening rate, reading time, and ratings are high, the marketer is good to go. However, if the emails are poorly structured and untimely delivered, it negatively affects email deliverability.

Email Structure

Cold emails are usually the first form of interaction between businesses and their potential clients. This means for an ambitious entrepreneur or manager, you must understand that nothing beats creating the best first impression. The most effective way of leaving the best impression on a potential client is by writing and structuring your email content to perfection. When writing marketing emails ensure they are brief and direct to the point. Prospects like to get all their information in a single scoop.

Email Sending Pattern And Volume

The manner and volume at which businesses send prospects’ marketing emails affect email deliverability. For young businesses, limiting your emailing volume to 1-2 emails a week per prospect is a great way to build a good deliverability reputation. For big and experienced businesses looking to maintain or upgrade their deliverability reputation, sending 5-6 emails a week per prospect is great. Also, always ensure your emails are sent within working hours when people are most active and likely to read your messages.

Bottom Line

As an email marketer, the battle for optimal email deliverability is endless. This is because there are always constant and dynamic factors influencing its outcomes. However, by using the best emailing software, perfectly structuring your emails, and improving your IP address reputation, you set yourself on the right path to good email deliverability.