In today’s world, people rely upon technology to communicate with each other. You are probably reading this article on your mobile browser that you use for almost all types of communication, like calling, texting, social media, email, and banking. If your data ends up in the wrong hands due to a lack of security, it may lead to a disturbance on your social media accounts, identity theft, and stolen money. 

Are you worried about the misuse of your private information on the internet? You are not the only one who is facing privacy issues. Online privacy is an essential issue nowadays. But here are few tips; by following them, you can protect your personal and financial information online on social media, websites. You can buy Instagram followers here.

Check out WOW! TV channels to stay up to date on cybersecurity tips and news. 

Restrict Your Personal Information On Social Media

Stop sharing your private information on social media. Sharing too much personal data on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can make it easier for hackers to obtain your data, which will later allow them to access your financial information. However, many people don’t take this advice and start oversharing their information. 

In 2018, research found that around 52% of people share their personal information, 48% share information regarding their children, and 33% share their location through social media. Furthermore, 42% of people share information regarding their travel plans through social media. 

To protect your privacy online, ignore the “About Me” section in your social media profiles. Don’t let people know where or what year you were born. Don’t make identity theft easier for criminals. Don’t forget to explore privacy settings on social media. You can limit people who can view your post on social media. 

Create strong passwords for your social media accounts so that no one can log into your account. Use a combination of upper and lower case alphabets,  numbers, and special characters. Never use any personal information as your password on social media and WOW! cable account. 

Survey on Incognito Window

If you don’t want your browser to save your browsing history, internet files, and cookies, do your web browsing on an incognito window. Nowadays, websites offer their versions of privacy security. 

While you’re browsing on the internet window, a hacker can possibly trace your personal information. However, using a private window or incognito mode won’t allow others to trace your personal information and history from your computer. 

These private windows are not entirely secure. When you browse on incognito, your WOW! cable Internet Service Provider can monitor your activities. Moreover, the websites you are visiting can also track you. Incognito browsing does have various benefits. But it is not the only tool that can help you in maintaining your privacy online. Anonymous search engines and VPN can sustain your privacy online.

Use an Alternate Search Engine

If you are like other web surfers, you depend too much on Google. Although, you don’t have to. Privacy is the prime reason that encourages people to use anonymous search engines. These types of search engines don’t collect or share your browsing clicks and history. Private search engines can also block ad trackers on websites you visit. 


A VPN (Virtual Private Network) provides you online privacy and obscurity by creating a private network through a WOW! cable internet connection. VPNs protect your IP address so that no one can trace your online actions.

A VPN has become essential when using public Wi-Fi at a coffee shop, university, library, or other public locations. A Virtual Private Network will make it difficult for cybercriminals to violate your privacy online and access your private information. However, you can find many free VPN solutions, but paying for a service from a trusted security network can provide you the maximum amount of privacy protection. 

Be Careful Before Clicking Anywhere

The other way through which hackers can track your privacy is by clicking shady banners or links on the browser. When you click on such websites, scammers trick you into granting valuable personal and financial information. Scammers do this by sending false emails that seem to be from credit card providers, banks, and other financial institutions. However, these emails prompt you to click on the link and verify your financial info so that your account can work properly. 

Don’t follow these fake emails. If you click on the link, you will be taken to a webpage that looks like a bank’s homepage. But when you enter your account information, you send this info to scammers. Before clicking on the link, hover the cursor over the link to view the destination URL. If the URL does not match your financial website, don’t click. 

Moreover, remember that your bank will never ask you to provide your private data through email. If you receive such emails, log in to your financial provider’s online portal directly. Or call the customer service provider of your bank and ask whether there is any problem with your account, not the one in the email you received. 

Secure Your Mobile Devices

Almost 80% of people spend more time browsing websites, responding to emails, and watching videos on smartphones. It is essential to put more effort into protecting your privacy online on smartphones. 

To begin, use a passcode or lock on your phone. People face difficulty in entering a code every time to view their home screen. But this will give an extra layer of protection to your smartphone when it is stolen or lost. Make sure that your lock is different and unique that no one can easily guess. Don’t use your house number, birth date, and any other relevant information as your passcode. 

Use prudence when downloading apps. Avoid downloading apps from anywhere besides the official app store; use a WOW! cable internet service provider for safe downloading. Don’t neglect software updates. These updates include safeguarding against the latest viruses. If you ignore them, you are allowing viruses to attack your smartphone. 

Use Antivirus Software

Don’t forget to install antivirus software on your devices. This software can take hackers away from accessing your personal and financial info and tracking your location. Once you install this software, don’t forget to install updates as soon as they are available. 

Use Apps That Are End-To-End Encrypted

There are many messaging apps from which messages are decrypted on the provider’s website and deposited on their servers. However, if someone hacks those servers, then your data will be hacked. Use end-to-end encrypted messaging apps to protect your privacy. End-to-end encrypted messaging service providers can’t view your conversation, and your info remains private. 

Remember that Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Google Allo don’t use end-to-end encryption. To enable it, you have to start a secret chat. However, WhatsApp is a messaging app with end-to-end encryption that can be used easily. 

Take Precautions To Protect Your Privacy

According to your situation, you must take additional precautions to protect your private data. To figure out the steps you should take to protect your privacy, you must make a privacy plan. To make a privacy plan, start asking yourself these questions;

  • What do I have to protect?
  • Whom do I have to secure my info?
  • How bad are the consequences?
  • Why do I need to protect?
  • How much trouble will I face while protecting it?

You can use the answers to focus on your privacy which matters the most to you.

Turn Off Your Location

Turning on your location on your smartphone is acceptable if you are looking for a particular address or a coffee shop near you. However, once you have found that turn off your location again. Leaving it open will allow various companies and scammers to find out what you are up to or where you are. 

Your location history will provide or reveal your records or the places you are visiting nowadays. Turn off your location or hide it behind a VPN by using a fake IP address. However, it will hide your private data from scammers, and you will feel safe while locating at your desired place. 

Many people think that online privacy is impossible. But, we reject such bitterness and courageously keep trying our best to protect our privacy online. Whether using a strong password, installing antivirus software, or connecting with a VPN, there are lots of tools out there to help you survey anonymously and keep trackers and hackers at bay. If you don’t believe in cybersecurity tools then you can improve your privacy online by increasing your awareness. 

Keep on believing in the approaches that you have to take to protect your privacy online. Not only this, but also you have to sit on your sofa without telling the world what you are doing and what you are up to. Don’t broadcast your images to prove you are at a particular location. click here  to know more.